SEO Basics That Will Not Change with Google Updates

We know that both Google Algorithms and the methods followed regarding SEO change from time to time. Google's major algorithm updates are usually done several times a year. These updates can sometimes bring a brand new ranking factor.

Sometimes these updates are in the form of changing the view of search results. Major updates are usually in the form of a certain part of the websites published on the web accelerating up or down the rankings.

SEO analysts sometimes prefer "game changing" or "innovative" methods when evaluating the effects of these updates.

But the truth is that despite frequent updates, SEO and Google's basic search algorithms haven't changed much over the past decade. The basics that determine rankings are still valid and remain the basic building blocks of a successful SEO strategy. It seems that this fact will remain valid for many years to come.

So what are these SEO basics?

1. Bots should be able to see your site.

First, if Google can't see what content you're serving to users, it won't be able to rank your site or see if your site exists.

Google's first step in creating search engine rankings is to present all the content it finds on the web to users; To this end, it uses spiders to "crawl" websites, discover and index content.

If bots can't see your site, you won't be listed in Google search results, so you won't be able to reach the user. At this point, you may need an SEO agency to do SEO work for your website.

What SEO Agency in Essex will do for your site in general; to make sure your site loads properly, to be visible to spiders and to present the correct content and images found on your site.

2. Site structure forms the basis of your site.

The code structure that gives your website visibility to bots helps Google evaluate your site and how it appears in the rankings. For example, your page title and description are derived from your site's metadata and you will see your Meta additions in google search results.

In addition, special structures such as structured markup can be used to present certain types of content when users search.

3. Content quality is always important.

Google's greatest success in search is achieved by directing users to the best content. That's why you should pay attention to the perfect content on your website and Web Design Essex in order to achieve search visibility.

If you have a website that only offers content to users, our recommendation for each content is to submit articles with an average of 750 words.

Another important point here is that you should pay attention to keyword density. In addition, it is a separate detail that your articles are readable and satisfactory.

Although Google does not explicitly publish the method it uses to evaluate the content, it will be enough to read and make sense of the article you wrote 1 time to guess it. The higher the quality of your content, the higher your website will rank in the rankings.


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